Why XBian?

As you may already know, XBian is not the only Kodi distribution for the Raspberry Pi. You might be asking yourself: Why should I choose XBian? Here is a summary of what makes XBian special, different and what may help you to make a decisions.

Bleeding edge

We provide users the very latest (bleeding edge) software and updates. This means your system will always contain the latest performance and security updates. These updates are always tested by us before we release it publicly.



We know a good product without good support is like a flower without water. Therefore we try to provide as much support as we can and reviews prove that we are doing a good job.



We know that not everyone is an expert so we understand that not everyone wants to be one. That’s why we make everything as easy as possible without taking away the possibility to be fully customized and tweakable.



We provide easy to install packages, which add many extras to your system. For example: you want to turn XBian into a download box. This can easily be done by installing the all-in-one Download Package from inside xbian-config. You don’t have to tinker with individual packages because we already did that for you!


Maintained by many

XBian is maintained by a group of dedicated developers, skinners, contributing users and so forth. This keeps the development cycle at a constant speed with much in-house knowledge.